Ten ways to be successful


These are the ten most effective ways to be successful. Some of them don't come with a lot of money, or at least that's what I did to become successful like me, some things came easy for me. So if you want to become successful, these is the way.

1.         Believe it.    Just believe it and everything will get better. That's why I think as often as possible before doing anything, even when my schedule is filled with meetings, meetings, meetings, do something else instead and focus on doing it. This might not show up on your calendar every day, but will make you feel much more accomplished and less stressed. You'll start looking forward to your schedule again.

2.         Get an MBA.    There have been studies done showing that having an MBA can improve success by 20 percent. So the next time you're faced with the idea of going back to school, take your mind off it and make sure you go for an MBA course. It's amazing how much better things will seem once you know how to run and manage things properly. And no matter what your age, you can always get one at college, because they have such affordable class hours.

3.         Have goals.   Make goals in writing. They can be goals to lose weight, to live longer, to learn better, to work harder, to achieve and so on. It doesn't matter to you what type of goals you have, just write about them all down and then try not to let yourself dwell on any single goal. If you do that, your mind will wander and find other thoughts. What matters is how hard you're working and your willingness to keep going until your goal is met.


4.         Find your purpose.    As Robert Blanchard said that "why we do what we do." Nowadays we know this is a very important factor every person should bring into consideration, because now people are not only trying to fit in with the crowd, but also out of a sense of doing what they find meaningful. Think about it. Once you've thought about your mission statement and what kind of career you want to have, you could start developing. Try to figure out where you are going to end up after you get your degree and what your job will be doing. Write down every little thing you want to be doing after graduation and keep your eyes open to how it relates to whatever job you've got coming up.

5.         Do it with passion.    Passion is something people do not understand because all they hear about it is negative, false stuff. Nonetheless, passion is diverse. When we are passionate to do a task, we can do it without thinking twice, just love what we're doing. When you're passionate about something, you want to learn as much as you can. If you're passionate about learning something new it makes you want to work hard at what you're learning so you could get excellent results. The same is the case with hobbies. For example, I love reading, but I'm not interested in making money from books. So I read a million different books every year. I want to have more knowledge, to learn and to grow. Then I also have a collection of all my old journals. Because I've collected a bunch over the years, it helps me reminisce on the past and my future.

6.         Love learning new things.    Research shows that learning something new actually increases attention span, it improves memory and boosts mood. People don't like change, so they avoid new things and try to stick with things that they don't like. Also what they are good at. Learning something new gets them going and getting ready to face the world on their own. By learning new things, we get better at what we already do well. Plus, if you don't take risks, you never get anywhere. Keep taking risks and push yourself to learn something new.

7.         Stay motivated.    Motivation boosts our success because it keeps us going throughout a difficult time. Many people lose focus to keep going, and end up losing it. Most times when we're unmotivated we give up, which leads to poor quality of life and bad grades on tests, which is another reason why many teens and young adults don't reach their full potential and lack self-reliance. Don't be afraid to stay motivated. Even in tough times you can use motivation to get things done. It keeps your energy high and takes you through the tough times until you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

8.         Exercise regularly.     Physical activity was found to help improve cognitive function, sleep patterns and mental health conditions. So exercise regularly so your body gets used to moving so you don't have to do it every day. Remember, the key is consistency and the daily motions to keep you active. The best part is it can help maintain a healthy weight as well. So if you don't like running or swimming, you can practice jumping jacks, climbing stairs, dancing, yoga or walking around while feeling good about how you look.

9.         Set realistic objectives.    Setting realistic goals allows you to accomplish more within a shorter amount of time. You'll always hit your targets without fail even when you're facing problems. If you want to reach your financial goals or reach out to your friends then set them at least several weeks away. Don't underestimate when setting realistic goals. Take a chance even though you may not succeed.

10.    Avoid imposter syndrome.    Imposter syndrome means being jealous or self-conscious about a person's skills, abilities or even achievements. Being self-conscious about yourself or others is a form of shyness called inferiority complexes. Like any other habit, they interfere with our productivity. We feel a need to explain ourselves, hide our weaknesses, hide our strengths, and sometimes that causes us to doubt our abilities and stop reaching your goals. However, when we're insecure about ourselves, we block the path of growth and stagnate. In addition, in a business or personal relationship, people who are insecure tend to hurt others. And that's why you shouldn't be fearful of achieving your dreams because they may not be able to do it without you.


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